How Many Animals Are Killed In Zoos Each Year In The World

STOCKHOLM | People effectually the globe were stunned when Copenhagen Zoo killed a good for you 2-year-old giraffe named Marius, butchered its carcass in front of a crowd that included children and then fed information technology to lions.
But Marius' fate isn't unique — thousands of animals are euthanized in European zoos each yr for a diverseness of reasons past zoo managers who say their chore is to preserve species, not private animals. In the U.S., zoos try to avoid killing animals by using contraceptives to make sure they don't have more offspring than they can house, only that method also has been criticized for disrupting animals' natural behavior.
Q. How frequently are big mammals killed in zoos?
A. U.S. and European zoological groups reject to release figures for the total number of animals killed. But David Williams Mitchell, spokesman of the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria, or EAZA, estimates an average zoo in its 347-member organization annually kills about five large mammals, which adds up to 1,735. The number doesn't include zoos and brute parks that don't vest to the association.
Animal rights groups suggest numbers are much higher. The Associated Press contacted 10 zoos in Europe —two refused to comment, 4 said they never kill any animals unless severely ill and four said they kill between i and xxx animals every twelvemonth. Two zoos in the U.South. said they only ever kill animals for "quality of life reasons."
Q. Why are animals killed?
A. Zoos euthanize animals because of poor wellness, old age, lack of infinite or conservation management reasons. EAZA policy for zoos in Europe suggests euthanasia may be used as a concluding resort to achieve a balanced population inside breeding programs — Marius was killed to preclude inbreeding. Only Williams Mitchell insists just "a fraction of i per centum" of the killings are for such reasons.
The thought is to maintain a group of genetically healthy animals in zoos that can be used to reintroduce the species into the wild.
There's a philosophical divide betwixt U.S. and European zoos over best practices. The U.S. Association of Zoos and Aquariums said incidents such equally the giraffe killing "practice not happen at AZA-accredited zoos."
Mike McClure, full general curator at the Maryland Zoo in Baltimore, said his zoo's policies theoretically allow for killing animals for breeding purposes or lack of housing simply it's not something his zoo has done. Generally, he said, animals are merely killed considering of quondam age or ill health.
In Asia, the parent visitor for the Singapore Zoo said in a statement that "euthanasia of animals is necessary to maintain the health and welfare of the herd, as overcrowding could lead to injuries, stress and disease outbreak.
"All animals in zoos die at some point, and peradventure zoos forgot to tell people," said Jens Sigsgaard, director at the Aalborg Zoo in Denmark, which, similar the Copenhagen Zoo, performs open dissections of animals for educational purposes.
Q. What kinds of animals are killed?
A. Both endangered species and other animals are killed at zoos. EAZA said five giraffes have been killed in European zoos since 2005. In addition to Marius, Copenhagen Zoo said it kills 20 to 30 antelopes, llamas, goats and other animals yearly.
The Jyllands Park Zoo in Denmark said it may have to kill another giraffe soon for similar reasons as in Marius' case. Merely a spokesman for Jack Hanna, emeritus director of the Columbus Zoo, said Friday that Hanna has raised more than $100,000 in pledges to save that giraffe.
Aalborg Zoo in Denmark kills up to 15 animals a yr, including crimson river hogs, antelopes and capybaras, while Skansen Zoo in Stockholm said it euthanized one acquit and one Eurasian lynx last yr and Helsinki Zoo killed i Alpine ibex. Some zoos also raise pigs, goats and cattle to feed their carnivores.
Q. What practice zoos do to avoid killing animals?
A. When animals reproduce, well-nigh zoos commencement try to notice another ane in their network they can send the offspring to. Zoos generally avoid selling the animals on the open market place, fearing they will finish upward in poor conditions. Some European zoos and most zoos in the U.S. choose to use contraceptives or sterilization or separate males and females to avert breeding more animals than they can house.
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