
What Energy Does The Sun Give Out To Marine Animals


The food we eat ultimately comes from plants, either direct or indirectly. The importance of plants as the global kitchen can never be underestimated. Plants "eat" sunlight and carbon dioxide to produce their own food and food for the millions of other organisms dependent on them. A molecule, chlorophyll (Chl), is crucial for this process, since it absorbs sunlight. However, the way land plants produce their food is very different from the way plants in the oceans produce their food. Since information technology is difficult for calorie-free to reach underneath the water in the oceans, food production, scientifically called photosynthesis, becomes very dull. Phycobiliproteins are proteins that brand this job easier, by arresting the available light and passing it on to Chl. These phycobiliproteins are plant in tiny, invisible organisms called cyanobacteria. Their "food-producing" reactions are critical for the survival of many living organisms like fish, birds, and other body of water life. Information technology is, therefore, very important for everyone to understand how cyanobacteria make their food, and what of import roles the phycobiliproteins play in the procedure.

How Practice Living Things Obtain Their Food?

When you think of nutrient, exercise you lot usually come upward with images of your favorite food? This is a natural process, since food is important for every living affair. To fulfill this bones demand, all living things either brand their own food or get information technology from some other source. Humans can consume both plants and animals. Some animals consume other animals, while some animals eat plants as their food. Ultimately, nosotros see that everybody on this planet is dependent on plants for their food. Simply then, what practice plants eat? Actually, plants "eat" sunlight and a gas called carbon dioxide, both of which are easily available right here on earth. The procedure past which land plants produce their own food using sunlight and carbon dioxide is known as photosynthesis (Effigy i). While carbon dioxide is absorbed past the leaves, the sunlight is captured past a chemical molecule in the plant, called chlorophyll (Chl). All photosynthetic organisms comprise Chl.

Figure 1 - A simplified view of how plants produce food for us.

  • Effigy 1 - A simplified view of how plants produce food for us.
  • The leaves of dark-green plants contain chlorophyll, which absorbs sunlight for producing nutrient. This nutrient is then used by the plant itself as well as other animals, including humans.

However, the way land plants perform photosynthesis does not assistance the organisms living in the oceans, which cover nearly lxx% of our globe. Plants in the oceans face problems with light availability. The blue and green portions of light penetrate into the water more than the yellow and red portions of light do (Effigy 2). Luckily, ocean plants become help in producing food from such limited low-cal and carbon dioxide, from tiny microscopic microbes called cyanobacteria (also known every bit blue-light-green algae). These microbes have adjusted to dim light conditions, and they acquit out photosynthesis both for themselves and for the benefit of other living things. Cyanobacteria are ancient microbes that have been living on our earth for billions of years. Cyanobacteria are said to exist responsible for creating the oxygen-filled atmosphere we live in [one]. For carrying out photosynthesis in low light weather, cyanobacteria have the help of proteins called phycobiliproteins , which are found buried in the jail cell membranes (the outer covering) of the cyanobacteria.

Figure 2 - Penetration of sunlight in oceans.

  • Figure 2 - Penetration of sunlight in oceans.
  • Sunlight is equanimous of different colors: V, violet; B, blue; Thousand, light-green; Y, yellow; O, orange; and R, scarlet. The blue and light-green colors reach upwards to 200 chiliad inside h2o, while all the other colors including violet can attain only up to the starting time 100 m inside the oceans. The arrows represent the depth to which different colors of light reach the oceans.

What are Phycobiliproteins?

Phycobiliproteins play the office of assistants to Chl in aquatic (water) environments. Since light has a difficult time penetrating into the oceans, phycobiliproteins make this job easier by absorbing any light is available; they absorb the green portion of the lite and turn it to red light, which is the color of lite required by Chl [two]. However, changing the color of light is non as easy as information technology seems. The light-green light has to pass through different phycobiliprotein molecules, which absorb light of one colour and give out light of another colour. The color that is given out is then taken up by a second phycobiliprotein, which turns it into a third color. This procedure continues until the emitted low-cal is ruby, which can finally be taken up by Chl. For this whole process to take identify, we have three different kinds of phycobiliprotein molecules bundled as a sort of a hat over the Chl molecule, every bit you lot can see in Figure 3. These three kinds of phycobiliproteins are:

  • (a) C-phycoerythrin (CPE), pinkish-red in color and responsible for absorbing the green portion of sunlight.

  • (b) C-phycocyanin (CPC), deep blue in colour and responsible for absorbing the orange-cherry-red portion of sunlight.

  • (c) Allophycocyanin (APC), light bluish in color and responsible for absorbing the red portion of sunlight.

Figure 3 - Hat-like arrangement of phycobiliproteins and chlorophyll (Chl) in cyanobacteria.

  • Effigy iii - Hat-like system of phycobiliproteins and chlorophyll (Chl) in cyanobacteria.
  • The green lite is first absorbed past C-phycoerythrin which passes it on to C-phycocyanin (CPC). CPC further passes the light free energy to allophycocyanin (APC) which transfers information technology to Chl for photosynthesis, using the blood-red light.

The reason phycobiliproteins absorb lite of different colors is that they contain chemical molecules chosen bilins inside them, which requite them their bright colors. These bilins are responsible for absorbing light of one color and emitting light of another color, thus causing a alter in the color of light. Advanced instruments have permit us analyze the organization of these molecules and proteins in the blue-green alga. We know that phycobiliproteins are shaped similar disks [3], and the disks are stacked on top of each other to class the hat-like structure. One stop of the stack is made of CPE, whereas the other terminate is made of CPC. This associates joins to the core, made of APC. This entire construction is linked to Chl, which accepts the ruddy light emitted past APC. The arrangement of the hat-similar construction has been shown in Effigy 3.

How Does the Low-cal Energy Transfer Have Identify in Phycobiliproteins?

The change in light colour from light-green to red takes identify through a procedure known every bit fluorescence . Let the states run into what fluorescence is. Imagine a transparent container filled with a pink-colored liquid that, when illuminated with a flashlight, shines a bright orange! That is exactly what CPE does (Effigy 4). All phycobiliproteins possess this exciting property of giving off visible lite of a colour unlike from the color of calorie-free that is shone on them. Subsequently CPE changes green light to xanthous-orange, CPC takes up the yellowish-orange light and changes it to light red. APC takes up this light-red light and changes it to a deep cherry-red lite for Chl. So, now we have the light-green light changed to red, which is the color of lite that nature intended Chl to absorb. The entire procedure is a sort of a relay race, where each participant picks upward where the previous i left off (Figure 5). These phycobiliproteins are an important function of the tiny microscopic organisms called blue-green alga, which carry out photosynthesis in much the aforementioned fashion every bit land plants practise. The simply departure is that they use a different set of chemical molecules—cyanobacteria utilise phycobiliproteins while country plants utilize Chl.

Figure 4 - Fluorescence property of C-phycoerythrin (CPE).

  • Effigy four - Fluorescence belongings of C-phycoerythrin (CPE).
  • The white color of the light produced past the flashlight is changed to yellowish-orange lite past CPE, to be taken up by C-phycocyanin.

Figure 5 - Phycobiliproteins change the color of light from green to red, so that it can be used for photosynthesis.

  • Figure 5 - Phycobiliproteins change the colour of light from light-green to blood-red, so that it tin exist used for photosynthesis.
  • The dark-green-colored low-cal is taken upwardly past C-phycoerythrin (CPE), which changes the color of the light to yellowish orange. The orange lite is taken up by C-phycocyanin (CPC), which farther changes information technology to light ruddy. The low-cal scarlet color is absorbed by allophycocyanin (APC), which changes it to blood-red color. The red colour is finally absorbed by chlorophyll, for producing food through photosynthesis.

What Did We Larn?

And then, we now know that photosynthesis is the process by which plants produce their food, using Chl. We also know that the reduced amount of light available in the oceans decreases this photosynthetic procedure. Nature has evolved some helper chemic molecules known as phycobiliproteins, which are able to absorb the colors of light available in the oceans and plow this low-cal into a color that Chl molecules tin use. These phycobiliproteins are found in tiny, invisible-to-the-naked-eye cyanobacteria, whose photosynthesis is responsible for providing food for the living organisms in the oceans and too for making the oxygen in our atmosphere that we breathe every 2nd. Isn't it exciting that these tiny organisms tin can brand such a divergence to marine life? In the futurity, we promise to gain more understanding of the functions of phycobiliproteins and the roles that they may play for the do good of mankind.


Photosynthesis: A process by which plants produce food for themselves and other organisms using sunlight and carbon dioxide gas.

Chlorophyll: A chemic molecule present in plants that absorbs the sunlight for photosynthesis.

Phycobiliproteins: Colored pigments found in cyanobacteria and certain other organisms, which help in photosynthesis by absorbing certain colors of light which chlorophyll cannot absorb.

Fluorescence: The holding of certain compounds to absorb one color of low-cal and to give off another colour. Phycobiliproteins employ this property to modify the colour of light they absorb so that the light can be used for photosynthesis.

Conflict of Interest Statement

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of whatsoever commercial or financial relationships that could exist construed as a potential disharmonize of involvement.


This manuscript has been assigned registration number CSIR-CSMCRI – 114/2016. TG gratefully acknowledges AcSIR for Ph.D. enrollment and CSIR (CSC 0105) for financial back up.


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[3] Satyanarayana, 50., Suresh, C. G., Patel, A., Mishra, Due south., and Ghosh, P. K. 2005. X ray crystallographic studies on C-phycocyanins from cyanobacteria from different habitats: marine and freshwater. Acta Crystallogr. Sect. F 61(9):844–seven. doi:ten.1107/S1744309105025649


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