
Could The Bermuda Triangle Be The Garden Of Eden

The Bermuda Triangle also called as Devil'sTriangle is a region of the northwestern Atlantic ocean where surface vessels have disappeared into thin air without any trace or cue. The Bermuda Triangle is an area bounded by points in Bermuda, Florida and Puerto Rico where ships and planes are said to mysteriously vanish into deep water.

Over the years, many theories has propounded about the Devil's Triangle. Christopher Columbus was the first person to document something strange in the Triangle. He reported "that a great flames of fire crashed into the sea one night and strange dancing lights appeared on the horizon"

Some writers have expanded upon Berlitz's ideas about Atlantis, suggesting that the Triangle might be a portal to the Lost City of Atlantis, saying the mythical city may lie at the bottom of the sea.

Some said to be circumstances that fall behind the boundaries of human error or acts of nature.

Some religious people believes it to be the gate way to Garden of Eden. After Adam and Eve were driven out, they believe the Garden was covered by water and the hurricane is caused by the angels kept to protect the Garden from outside world. Leaving undying questions to my mind; wasn't the Garden of Eden near the River Euphrates? Is River Euphrates near to the Bermuda Triangle?. What do you think?

Many people believes that these lights are the small crafts of extraterrestrials, they believe that they're using that Bermuda Triangle is a communication tool to communicate with the human race, which is making it more mysterious.

Some scientists believes that is a portal which carries you to another dimension. All the people that have been missing are not dead. They just don't exist in this dimension anymore.

However,90% of planes and ships went through Bermuda Triangle and we're never seen again. Those who survived, some of them lost the memory of it and the rest don't know what happened to them exactly.

Fact, the truth about Bermuda Triangle may never be revealed or there may never be an explanation to the mystery ..... Maybe it is meant to be a mystery forever

Content created and supplied by: BriteSun24 (via Opera News )

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Bermuda Bermuda Triangle Christopher Columbus Florida Puerto Rico

Could The Bermuda Triangle Be The Garden Of Eden


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